The Coburg Historical Society and Coburg Primary School - ANZAC Memorial
Commission Work 2017
The World War 1 Centenary Anniversary Memorial Gates
In early 2017, Margaret was granted a commission to design and create an ANZAC Memorial Gate for The Coburg Historical Society. This was in partnership with Coburg Primary School in dedication to the memory of the thirty-five pupils of the school who died in World War One.
There once stood an Avenue of Honour dedicated to the memory of these pupils. The school’s choice of trees was significant. Trees represent growth, life and longevity. Planted as seeds and saplings, they would grow older, bigger, stronger in a way that the men they represent could not. Great care was taken to look after these trees but by the early 1960s the avenue of trees were cut down for further development in the school-grounds.
As part of a grant received from an ANZAC Centenary project , the Coburg Historical Society and Coburg Primary School commissioned Margaret to design and create a CORTEN steel double gate for Elm Grove in memory of these pupils who attended the school in the 1890s and early 1900s who died in World War One. Important motifs to incorporate in the design of the gates were the thirty-five soldiers and elm trees, wattle, gum leaves and poppies.
The thirty-five soldiers cut out in silhouette and leaning against the thirty-five elm trees represent the thirty-five former pupils
Wattle tree in flower to symbolise Australia, regrowth and re-generation
The poppies are the International symbol of World War One. They also symbolise Remembrance Day and ANZAC Day in Australia.
The World War 1 Centenary Anniversary Memorial Gates were completed later in 2017 and officially opened on 10th October 2017 at a special school assemble.

Invitations have arrived

Final panel has now ‘rusted’ after a week in the garden in all weather…now to assemble all four panels to make the gates for Coburg Primary School

Gates in installed Thursday & official opening Friday afternoon

Friday 10th of November 2017 Official Opening of the World War 1 Centenary Anniversary Memorial Gate

So happy to be part of this project for Coburg Primary School & Coburg Historical Society

Thank you for all of your help

Cheryl Griffin author of The Old Boys of Coburg State School go to War presenting Margaret with her wonderful book

Margaret's speech to the children

An afternoon of official speeches

About to enter Coburg Primary School

Nearly there…wattle, poppies done and now hundreds of elm leaves to cut just as the real ones are starting to flower

A day of cutting top panel

Starting the final panel for the gate

Gates now in place

All four panels of the two gates for Coburg Primary School are finished just need time to cortensteel to rust

Spring in the garden with Margaret's workshop in the background

Cutting sheet metal

Cutting out the elm leaves using my hand-held plasma cutter with different stages of the process above

Second top panel of gate finished and different stages of the cutting process in the forground

A day of hand-held plasma cutting the top panel of second gate

Different stages of chalking lower panel of second gate in preparation for drawing over chalk

First gate now rusted in the background & second gate top panel drawn up for cutting

Different stages of the chalking process

Ready to put into cutting work-bench

Left gate completed ready for rusting…

Top quarter in the background & bottom panel being cut for the left side of the gate

Chalk dusting the two panels so they match up

Chalking second gate

End of first day of plasma-cutting

Chalking soldier outlines

First elm tree cut-out

Blocking in cut-outs with chalk

Drawing completed for first quarter

Drafting design onto cortensteel

Templates for soldiers

The final gate